Challenging behavior in the classroom

Challenging behavior in the classroom

Mack, B. (2018). Challenging Behaviors in the classroom [Image].

    According to Collier (2018) students in the classroom use challenging behavior as a form of communication that something is not right. Therefore, it is vital for educators to understand the causes of challenging behavior and what interventions to address them.

What can teachers do to determine the causes of challenging behavior in their students?

    Based on the American College of Education (2018), it is necessary for an educator to take a problem analysis perspective when investigating the reasons for challenging behavior through interview questions that will lead to revealing the conclusive cause of a student's behavior.

Causes for challenging behavior
Some causes of challenging behavior are health, lack of routine, lack of social, emotional, behavioral skills, behavioral difficulties, change, and home environment.

Possible cause for a student acting out

-Lack of Social, Emotional and Behavioral skills

Sometimes when students display challenging behaviors, they are due to the student not having the sufficient social and emotional skills to behave appropriately (The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne (n.d.)

A problem-solving analysis interview question

Question: Is the behavior due to a skill problem? Has the student been taught social, emotional, and behavioral skills? Has the student learned how to master those skills?


Collier, E. (2018). How to Deal with Challenging Behaviour in the Classroom. https://

The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne. Challenging Behaviour - toddlers and young children.


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