Peer Support in Behavior Interventions

 Peer Support in Behavior Interventions

Lander, J. (2016). Students as Teachers [Image].

A part of implementing behavior interventions in the classroom is to identify and develop ways to improve behavior. Subsequently, it is necessary to take a look at the factors of the learning environment such as peers. According to research, peers have a great impact on attitude, behaviors, and school adjustment; therefore it is vital to analyze the relationship between peers and behavior in the learning environment (Berndt & Keefe, 1995 in American College of Education, 2018).

Using peers for support in the classroom

According to Reister-Wood (2015), peer support is a strategy that involves placing students in pairs or in small groups to participate in learning activities that support academic and social skills instruction. Nietzel (2008) states that there are are four ways to improve instructional and social needs in the classroom:

Class-wide - involves reward systems or motivation for all students that help foster interactions and appropriate behaviors for students with behavior intervention plans. It can also include rearranging the physical environment to promote interactions between students.

Peer modeling - involves interactions with a peer being the natural model of appropriate behavior. In this way, the peer with the behavior challenges observes the other peer and then imitates the modeled behavior.

Peer tutoring - involves a peer as the instructor. The tutoring interactions involve the peer with behavior challenges and the other peer providing instruction, rewards, positive reinforcement for good behavior or corrective feedback.

Social skills training - involves interactions between a group of peers practicing social skills in small groups. The group might focus on one response, like turn taking, conversations, or modeling of appropriate behaviors.


American College of Education. (2018). Module 4: Incentives, Peers, and the Educative Time-Out Process: Part 2 Transcript: Peer Support [ PDF]. CI5523 M4 P2.pdf

Lander, J. (2016). Students as Teachers [Image].

Nietzel, J. (2008). Overview of peer-mediated instruction and intervention for children and youth with autism spectrum disorders. Chapel Hill, NC: National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders. FPG Child Development Institute, The University of North Carolina.


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